DavidsTea’s Butterfly Jasmine

Butterfly Jasmine by DavidsTea
Green Tea / Flavoured
$19.90 for 50g


First Impressions

This is an expensive tea. Especially when you consider the fact that it is a jasmine green tea (and I have reviewed a few other ones since beginning One More Steep that are considerably less expensive). That said, Butterfly Jasmine has a lovely name. I originally got my 50g of Butterfly Jasmine as part of DavidsTea’s Frequent Steeper program. For every 100 points you earn per quarter, you get 1 Frequent Steeper reward – which is 50g of any one loose leaf tea. As each dollar you spend earns you one point, the more you spend, the more rewards you get. I tend to choose the more expensive teas when I’m choosing my rewards, mostly because I usually can’t justify it otherwise. And now back to the tea…


Butterfly Jasmine is a green tea, the ingredients are: Chinese green tea from Fujian Province scented with jasmine petals. The description for the tea states that the “leaves are hand-shaped in the form of small butterflies”. I don’t really see it, mostly because the imagery I think of when thinking butterflies is an insect with wings. However, the tea leaves are manipulated by hand, they’re uniform in size and shape. The aroma from my bag is very floral – the jasmine scent isn’t too over whelming but its presence can definitely be noted. It has a sweet undertone to the floral scent, and it’s very pleasant.


DavidsTea recommends steeping Butterfly Jasmine in water that is 85°C (185°F) for 3-4 minutes. Because I expect the butterflies to unfurl and to expand when steeping, I opted to not use my Perfect Spoon to measure out a full spoonful – instead I filled the spoon about half way, which worked out to seven butterflies for my cup of tea.

First Taste

Butterfly Jasmine steeps to a beautiful golden yellow colour. The aroma of the tea is very enticing – there’s the floral scent of the jasmine, as one would expect, but it does have a sweet undertone to it that isn’t over whelming the overall fragrance of the tea itself. The taste? It’s floral and sweet, the taste definitely matched my expectations that were raised by the aroma of the dry leaf and while it was steeping. The tea itself is very smooth, there are no bitter notes to the tea at all, I find it really enjoyable. As a non-herbal tea, I just really wanted to see how it would hold up for one more steep…


A Second Cup?

The second steep went great! (And so did the third…) The taste of the tea remains quite close to the original steeped cup of tea, Butterfly Jasmine holds up well. By the third cup, the taste was starting to wane from the first two cups, but it was still drinkable. I found all three cups made from the same seven butterflies to be very enjoyable.

My Overall Impression


I loved DavidsTea’s Jasmine Butterfly. It’s a beautiful tea that has an amazing fragrance and flavour. The only thing that really holds me back from going “Yes, go buy it!” is the fact that it is quite expensive. I almost wish it wasn’t such a great tea because then I wouldn’t want to buy more for my stash when I run out. If you can get it for free (either through the Frequent Steeper rewards program, or another promotion), I would definitely recommend redeeming for it. A little goes a long way with this tea, and it has the added bonus of resteeping well for a green tea. I think it’s worth having a little bag of Butterfly Jasmine around, it has fantastic flavour and it’s an excellent jasmine green tea. It is a luxurious tea, as far as price goes, but it really is wonderful. If you can afford the splurge, or if you just want to pick up a small bag while you’re in store, I’d recommend giving this one a try.

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DavidsTea’s Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine

Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine by DavidsTea
Green Tea / Flavoured
$7.75 for 50g


First Impressions

Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine is the third rainbow tin I purchased when DavidsTea had the buy-2-get-1-free promotion (the former being Cream of Earl Grey and Birthday Cake). I picked this one because I knew I loved jasmine green teas, so how could I go wrong?

Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine comes in a sturdy metal tin in a bright almost green grass kind of colour. The tea itself comes in a resealable bag, which I greatly appreciate. The leaves themselves aren’t very large, but are decently sized enough that it isn’t like the tea leaf dust that comes in some prepared tea bags. It smells amazing though, there’s quite a strong jasmine scent to the tea, but it is overpowering and I can definitely still make out the tea smell.


This tea has the following ingredients: Chinese green tea from Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces, scented with jasmine flowers. Additionally, the tin boasts that the tea is fair trade certified, USDA organic and Canada organic – just in case you missed the word ‘organic’ in the name of the tea itself.


For preparing this tea, DavidsTea recommends using water that is 80C (176F) and to steep for 2-3 minutes. I opted to steep around 2 minutes.

First Taste

The jasmine scene is beautiful when the tea is steeping, and when the tea leaves are removed. There is something distinctly floral about this tea, as one might expect from a jasmine green tea. The tea itself steeps to a yellow-brown colour. The flavour of Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine is quite good, it’s a very smooth tea and I noticed no bitter taste to it. Green teas in general often run the risk of being better if steeped for too long or steeped in water that is too hot – all that bitterness is sure to ruin a cup! Luckily, I watched the clock for this one and I really enjoy it. Because it is a straight tea, I’m looking forward to trying it for one more steep!


A Second Cup?

Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine does not disappoint on steep #2. I would even say it tastes better for cup two than it does for cup one! The flavor is a lot more smoother, and there’s even a light sweetness to the tea that wasn’t there before. It also does quite well for steeps three and four.

My Overall Impression


I loved DavidsTea’s Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine. It’s not an overly complex tea, but that is what makes it a good tea. It does well when resteeping, the flavour improves, and it’s tasty. While I do love it (and will likely restock my tin when it empties), it is not economical compared to other jasmine green teas. For instance, this tea is $10 for 85g (or $7.75 for 50g if buying loose) when the first tea I reviewed for One More Steep was for Stassen’s Jasmine Green Tea that was $6 for 150g. In my opinion, the quality of the tea is definitely higher for DavidsTea’s Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine, but is it 3x the quality? That’s a little bit more iffy. I love my teas, but it is a bit of a luxury to afford pricier teas. I do really love the Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine though, and I do believe that it resteeps a lot better than Stassen’s.

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Teavana’s Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls

Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls by Teavana
Green Tea / Flavoured
$14.98 for 2oz


First Impressions

This is a tea that I got from my sister, which she got from the Starbucks-Teavana rewards program as a perk from being an avid Starbucks patron. Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls are rather cute! They’re small rolled pearls of tea leaves that come packaged in a standard Teavana bag with wire tabs closure. The smell is amazing – as a fan of jasmine, the floral scent is very inviting. If you’re not into jasmine-scented teas, this would not be a tea for you.


Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls isn’t a tea complicated by a long list of ingredients, it consists of green tea that has been scented with jasmine blossoms. The page for this tea on the Teavana website boasts that the tea pearls are made up of three leaves each, and hand rolled – as all pearls are. The scent that the dry leaf gives of is floral with a hint of sweetness that I find many jasmine scented teas often have.


Teavana recommends steeping Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls in 79°C (175°F) water for 2 minutes (Teavana’s website states 3 minutes for recommended steeping time).

First Taste

I steeped 6 pearls in the water for about 2 minutes. This tea steeps a very pale colour, it is almost as if the tea is tinted a little bit of a yellow. It has a beautiful light, clean, floral scent. Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls has a light, sweet taste to it. The jasmine provides a nice floral taste, the tea itself is quite nice. It’s smooth, no bitterness at all, it has a very subtle flavour that isn’t too aromatic as some jasmine teas can be. It’s very pleasant and makes for a nice cup of tea. (Also, if you leave the cup for too long, it’s quite pleasant cold too!)


A Second Cup?

Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls steeps for a second time fairly well – the flavour is still very good and matches up with the first cup. On the third steep, tea begins to lose some flavour and is more like flavoured water.

My Overall Impression


I loved Teavana’s Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls. On the surface, it seems like such a simplistic tea, but the taste of this jasmine green tea is delicious. It’s subtle, understated, and smells of jasmine but isn’t overwhelming. I quite loved each cup of this tea I had because it’s delightful. Because the aroma and taste of this tea isn’t particularly strong or commanding, it’s nice to have with a snack of some sort as it doesn’t distract from what you’re eating.

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