Wize Monkey’s Ginger Lemon

Ginger Lemon by Wize Monkey
Herbal Infusion / Flavoured
$10.49USD for 35g (15 sachets)

Wize Monkey has provided me with Ginger Lemon for the purposes of providing an honest review.

First Impressions

I generally think of ginger and lemon going together when I’m sick because that’s what my mom used to put together for me (along with some honey – I can’t forget the honey!) so when I opened up the packaging on the sachets of Ginger Lemon, it brings me right back to being little & feeling poorly (sorry, Wize Monkey, it’s not your fault!). That said, this tisane has an amazing flavour – it smells exactly like you’d expect it to, very strongly of ginger and lemon.

Ginger Lemon consists of premium arabica leaves, ginger root, lemon peel, lemon myrtle, and natural lemon flavour. Unlike my earlier review this month of the Original coffee leaf tea from Wize Monkey, I can only smell the lemon and ginger and none of the tisane base.


Wize Monkey recommends steeping Ginger Lemon in 95°C (203°F) water with no set time limit. If you recall my review of their Original, I steeped it for 8 minutes with no ill effects on the flavour. I opted to steep Ginger Lemon in 93°C (200°F) water for 5 minutes.

First Taste

Ginger Lemon steeps to a lovely golden red and has a great aroma to it. The ginger and lemon are very much in the forefront and it’s the only thing I can smell from this coffee leaf tisane. The aroma still makes me feel like I should be drinking this when I’m sick, but what’s a girl to do? The flavour has some of the warming properties from the ginger, and I can definitely taste the lemon. I don’t really get a lot of the tea base, which isn’t that surprising considering how strong of an ingredient ginger can be. I get a little bit of the grassy notes, but it is mostly overwhelmed by the lemon and ginger. The flavour of Ginger Lemon honestly reminds me so much of what my mom used to make for me when I was ill, it just needs a spoonful of honey to make it match up perfectly.

A Second Cup?

I resteeped Ginger Lemon twice. I found for the first resteep that it was more ginger than lemon, and the grassy notes were a bit stronger in the first resteep. For the second resteep, it was lacking the ginger and the lemon and just wasn’t as tasty as the original I would say that Ginger Lemon is good for one more steep.

My Overall Impression

I loved Wize Monkey’s Ginger Lemon. There was just something really thought provoking of the flavours of the ginger and the lemon, and it probably has to do with the fact that I really enjoy the flavour combination. That said, it did make me feel like I should be sick or at least feeling a little bit under the weather while I was having it, so I might not be the best judge of things. However, it tasted good, smelled and tasted like I feel like it should have, so all in all, it made for a good cuppa.

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Wize Monkey’s Original

Original by Wize Monkey
Herbal Infusion / Straight
$10.49USD for 35g (15 sachets)

Wize Monkey has provided me with Original for the purposes of providing an honest review.

First Impressions

If you haven’t heard of Wize Monkey yet, it’s a Canadian company that does tea that is produced with coffee leaves (so it doesn’t actually contain any tea, so it’s a tisane). Coffee leaves aren’t usually part of the plant that gets utilized, since most coffee producers are focused on the bean. Part of what I received from Wize Monkey is a 15 day sampler pack which consists of five different flavours of their coffee leaf tea: Original, Jasmine, Mango Party, Minty Marvel, and Earl Grey – so be on the look out for future reviews of the other flavours.

Each sachet is a tea pyramid, and it was pretty easy for me to rip open to get a closer look at the coffee leaves. I was half expecting it to actually smell like coffee, which I’m very happy to say that it does not smell like coffee. If you know anything about me, I don’t like the smell of coffee. The smell of Original reminds me a lot of a mix of a green tea and a black tea, and also there’s just something about it that reminds me of the aroma of yerba mate, it has a bit of a roasted aroma to it. Original consists of “hand-picked single-original premium arabica leaves”.

And as an aside, I just want to say how much I love Wize Monkey’s logo. Between the coffee leaf eyes and the tea cup mouth and the fact that it’s a monkey?! So cute.


Wize Monkey recommends steeping in 95°C (203°F) water and actually says that it can be steeped for as long as you want. One of the claims about steeping coffee leaves is that it doesn’t get bitter, so of course I had to put that to the test. I steeped it for 8 minutes in 93°C (200°F) water.

First Taste

The aroma of the steeped Original is interesting to me because I just can’t quite pinpoint what it reminds me of. There’s some mild grassy notes that I liken to green tea, and there’s a slight malty flavour that reminds me of a black tea, and then there’s some roasted nutty flavours in this coffee leaf tisane that are lingering in the background. The overall flavour is nice, there’s a smoothness to it that’s pleasant, and it lacks of the pow that comes from coffee itself Despite steeping it for 8 minutes, there’s no bitterness and no astringency, so it’s kind of nice that it doesn’t get bitter or astringent with over steeping like traditional teas do.

A Second Cup?

I attempted two resteeps with Original. I found that the flavours were fairly similar for the first resteep, but it was quite watery for the second. I would say Original is good for one more steep.

My Overall Impression

I liked Wize Monkey’s Original. I think it’s really neat that Wize Monkey is making a product from part of the coffee plant that generally isn’t used by most producers. The fact that you can toss a sachet into a cup and step away for a while and come back to a cup of herbal tea that hasn’t gone off is really appealing, especially if you’re the type who forgets about your tea after a while. I like the flavour of Original, I think it makes for a good tisane base and I’m looking forward to trying the other samples that they sent me.

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Bye Herbs’ Tealicious

Tealicious by Bye Herbs
Herbal Infusion / Flavoured
€8.90 for 50g

Bye Herbs has provided me with Tealicious for the purposes of providing an honest review.

First Impressions

Tealicious is described as being a 100% organic Slovenian herbal tea. It came to me in a resealable kraft paper pouch, I do love it when tea comes in simplistic and clean packaging that still provides me with all the information that I need to know. This organic herbal infusion has a beautiful minty aroma to it, but there’s also some floral notes mixed in with it. I like that the mint isn’t completely overwhelming the other ingredients in the dry blend because I like being able to pick out the other ingredients.

Tealicious consists of: nettle, rosehip, mint, melissa, elderberry, linden, thyme, sunflower and cornflower blossoms and all of the ingredients are from organic farming, as per the packaging. If you’re unfamiliar with the melissa plant, it’s also known as lemon balm in North America.

There’s some fine print on the packaging that states that the herbal infusion is not medicinal. Because it is an herbal product, and some medications can have interactions with medications, I would strongly recommend talking to your primary care physician or pharmacist about herbal supplements and drug interactions. Better safe than sorry!


Bye Herbs recommends steeping Tealicious in boiling water for 10 minutes, and suggests that you can drink this tea up to three times a day. I steeped Tealicious in 100°C (212°F) water for a full 10 minutes.

First Taste

After the ten minute steep, Tealicious steeps to a very warm golden honey colour. The aroma that wafts up from this tea is primarily minty and floral, I really like that the mint doesn’t overwhelm the other ingredients. On first taste, I primarily get some rose and floral notes, followed by a minty fresh flavour. Tealicious leaves quite the refreshing aftertaste in my mouth after I swallow the herbal infusion, not quite the intensity that you’d find after brushing your teeth, but it’s still pretty noticeable. It’s a pleasant aftertaste, that’s for sure.

A Second Cup?

I attempted to resteep Tealicious and found that it didn’t do so great. The colour wasn’t as intense as the initial steep, and most of the flavours weren’t as present in the resteep. I think that the 10 minute steep time leeched most of the aromas and flavours from the ingredients and pretty much exhausted the flowers and herbs.

My Overall Impression

I liked Bye Herb’s Tealicious. I found the aroma to be inviting and pleasant, with a nice flavour to it. I really enjoyed the fact that the mint didn’t overpower the other ingredients and that the floral ingredients were able to shine through since mint is often such a strong flavour. I wish some of the floral notes had been a touch stronger, but it was still a nice cup of tisane. That said, I found the refreshing minty aftertaste to this herbal infusion to be quite enjoyable, and made for a nice finish at the end of each sip.

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