Berry Bouquet by Dessert by Deb
Green Tea / Flavoured
$9.00 for 50g
First Impressions
Berry Bouquet is a green tea blend from the Toronto-based Dessert by Deb, and is a certified organic tea blend. It comes in a matte white foil bag (sealed and resealable!), and with the a coloured label featuring Dessert by Deb’s adorable teapot label. The aroma of the blend is very floral – the first thing that I really noticed was roses. I can smell the lavender and jasmine in the background.
Berry Bouquet consists of organic: green tea, elderberries, raisins, currants, hibiscus, jasmine, rose petals and lavender. It definitely smells like a bouquet of flowers!
Dessert by Deb suggests steeping Berry Bouquet at 200°F (93°C) for 4 to 6 minutes. My initial steep was for 5 minutes.
First Taste
Berry Bouquet steeps to a very pink colour, which I attribute to the hibiscus. The aroma is floral, and I found that the taste of Berry Bouquet to be sweet, berry and floral – it’s quite pleasant! It’s a very feminine smelling tea, reminds me of a tea that would be a delight for a tea party. The berry flavour is very light and sweet, it goes well with the floral ingredients.
A Second Cup?
I attempted to resteep Berry Bouquet once, but found that the flavour to be quite watery compared to the initial steep. I would recommend Berry Bouquet for just the one steep.
My Overall Impression
I loved Dessert by Deb’s Berry Bouquet. I really enjoyed this floral blend (hot). I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t taste the green tea, but the floral notes went well with the berry flavours. I think this would be a great tea iced (or cold steeped), and perhaps with a splash of lemonade to really bring the summer feeling alive.
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