Mocca’s Matcha Latte

Matcha Latte by Mocca
Green Tea (Matcha) / Flavoured
$8.99 for 375g (25g x 15 sachets)

First Impressions

Matcha Latte by Mocca was one of those impulse grocery store purchases – one of the best ways to fill up a shopping cart in my opinion (with tea!). The bright packaging caught my eye, so into my shopping cart it hopped. I never expect a lot from an instant tea product, but I’m always on the look out for something that’s tasty, inexpensive, and easy to get a hold of. The ease of preparing matcha on the go (or at work) constantly appeals to me, especially as someone who can’t always go to a kitchen, or the only access to a fridge is communal.

Matcha Latte comes in bright teal and green packaging. It comes with 15 individually packaged portions of instant Matcha Latte powder. The ingredients consist of: creamer, sugar, and matcha powder. For those health conscious, each sachet contains 25g, but also contains 12g of sugar. Of all the important nutrients, each packet also consists of 10% of your daily intake of calcium (so you can feel like you’re doing something right, right?). The Matcha Latte powder itself is primarily light green, minimal sparkle from the sugar, it has a minimal aroma to it.


Using the powers of Google Translate, I found out that Mocca recommends mixing 190-210ml of hot water with the powder for a hot matcha latte, or use 100ml of hot water with the powder for an iced matcha latte (plus, adding ice).

I opted to prepare it hot, and used 175°F (80°C) water.

First Taste

Matcha Latte dissolved and mixed up very well, and even without really trying, there was a nice of foam and bubbles that formed across the top. The aroma is very grassy and milky. The flavour of Matcha Latte is better than I had expected! It’s grassy, sweet, milky. It’s not too sweet, considering the amount of sugar in it, and the dairy adds a great level of creaminess to it.

A Second Cup?

As an instant tea product, there’s no second cups.

My Overall Impression

I loved Mocca’s Matcha Latte. At 60¢ a serving, I was impressed with Matcha Latte. From the ease of preparation, the taste, and the fact that the amount of sugar wasn’t overkill. Despite having a sweet tooth, I didn’t find it to be cloyingly sweet. I like how easy it was, as well as that impressive amount of foam and bubbles. I’m definitely looking forward to having this one at work because the flavour is on point and doesn’t taste like a poor quality matcha. The grassy notes lend itself to a nice cup of matcha latte.

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DavidsTea’s Organic Hojicha

Organic Hojicha by DavidsTea
Green Tea / Straight
$9.98 for 50g

DavidsTea sent me Organic Hojicha as part of a complementary Garden to Cup subscription package, a review was not requested.

First Impressions

Hojicha is one of those teas that I tend to enjoy, so finding Organic Hojicha in some mail that DavidsTea had sent me. Organic Hojicha is described as a “cozy, roasted & classic” green tea. The packaging for this green tea is not in the standard silver packaging, but it’s a light green instead with a navy blue (almost black) print across the front while the back of packaging is a white with a pearl sheen and a black print.

Organic Hojicha consists of organic green tea from Japan. The leaves themselves have a beautiful roasted aroma to it that’s subtly nutty. The dry leaf is pretty to look at, and a milk chocolate brown colour with hints of a browny-green. Hojicha typically has little bits of stems throughout, which this Organic Hojicha has as well.


DavidsTea recommends steeping Organic Hojicha in 80°C (175°F) water for 1 to 2 minutes. I opted to do an initial steep for 2 minutes.

First Taste

Organic Hojicha steeps as to a light orange, with little bits of tea leaves that escaped my stainless steel infuser. The aroma is grassy, nutty, with roasted notes. The tea itself has a smooth mouthfeel, with zero astringency or bitterness. The flavour of the tea isn’t as full bodied as I expected, based on the aroma, but it does linger with a sweet aftertaste after each sip.

A Second Cup?

I resteeped Organic Hojicha four times (five steeps total with the same leaves), and added an additional 30 seconds for each subsequent steep. I found that the flavour of Organic Hojicha was strongest with the first resteep, and then started to get weaker in flavour after that. I would resteep those leaves to get more tea out of it.

My Overall Impression

I loved DavidsTea’s Organic Hojicha. The aroma of the dry leaf, to steeping and drinking the tea. The flavour of the roasted green tea was what I have come to expect from a hojicha, and this one did not disappoint. I would recommend resteeping it, and perhaps even preparing it as a hojicha latte to add an extra layer of creaminess to it.

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Dessert by Deb’s Caramel Chai Buttercream

Caramel Chai Buttercream by Dessert by Deb
Black Tea / Flavoured
$6.75 for 25g

Caramel Chai Buttercream came to me as part of the bimonthly subscription box from Dessert by Deb.

First Impressions

Caramel Chai Buttercream came to me as part of the (now discontinued) bimonthly subscription box – you can still purchase teas off of the Dessert by Deb website and assemble your own box. The tea itself comes in a sealed gold pouch that’s resealable, with a fun polka dot label across the front.

Caramel Chai Buttercream consists of organic: black tea, natural caramel flavour, ginger, cinnamon, toasted coconut, brown sugar, and star anise. The aroma is strongly of ginger, cinnamon, and star anise. There’s a hint of coconut and caramel in the background, and it’s quite pretty to look at.


Dessert by Deb recommends steeping Caramel Chai Buttercream in 212°F (100°C) water for 4 to 6 minutes. I opted to do an initial steep for 5 minutes.

First Taste

Caramel Chai Buttercream steeps to a golden orange. The black tea blend has a strong spice aroma to it – it smells like ginger, cinnamon, and star anise. The tea has a light sweetness to it, and there’s a nice warming sensation from the ginger. The star anise really shines through, and not in an off-putting way that I often find with star anise-heavy teas. I tend not to like star anise-heavy teas, because star anise has a flavour to it that reminds me a lot of black licorice (which I don’t enjoy), but this one isn’t particularly heavy handed with the star anise.

Dessert by Deb recommends preparing Caramel Chai Buttercream as a tea latte or to add milk. I did, and found that it add a nice creaminess to the tea, and helped temper down the licorice-like flavour from the star anise.

A Second Cup?

I attempted to resteep Caramel Chai Buttercream, by adding an additional 30 seconds for the first resteep, and found that the flavours (ginger, cinnamon, star anise) were quite muted compared to the initial steep. I would recommend Caramel Chai Buttercream for just the initial steep.

My Overall Impression

I loved Dessert by Deb’s Caramel Chai Buttercream. I found this black tea blend to be pleasant, with some nice warming qualities from the spices. Caramel Chai Buttercream has a great aroma, flavour, and it turns into a latte well. It’s a pretty tea to look at, and a pleasant cup of tea to drink. I definitely enjoyed it better as a tea latte than as a plain cup, so would recommend it as a latte.

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